How to Import MySQL Database Using Command Line?

mysql database import

One might think that importing a MySQL database through the command line is difficult, but once accomplished seems very easy. Regardless of how experienced or inexperienced you are, it is beneficial to know the basic procedures of dealing with your databases via the terminal. Here, you will be guided through the step-by-step data import process and you will be able to import your MySQL database with command easily and effectively.


Have you ever thought about how you can import a MySQL database using the command line? Perhaps you have been assigned to transfer data or in creating a new environment. Perhaps you can use our step-by-step data import process on how to import data into SAS successfully.

Why Use Command Line for MySQL Import?

mysql command line import steps

Using the command line for MySQL database import offers several advantages:Using the command line for MySQL database import offers several advantages:

Efficiency: Commands take less time for their execution than the GUI tools do.

Automation: Make it very easy to script in dynamic work that tends to be more repetitive such as email processing.

Flexibility: With TM, there is much more control over how the items are imported.

Preparing Your Environment

Preparing Your Environment

Before you start, ensure you have:Before you start, ensure you have:

MySQL installed and running.

Connection privileges and the capability to get into the MySQL command line.

The SQL file to import if true, or the error message returned for the import call if false.

Opening the MySQL Command Line

To begin, open your command line interface and type:

$ mysql -u username -p

Replace username with your MySQL username. You’ll be prompted to enter your password. This step initiates the connection to your MySQL server.

Creating a Database in MySQL

Once connected, you need to create a database where your data will be imported. Type the following command:

mysql> CREATE DATABASE my_database;

This command creates a new database named my_database.

Selecting the Database

Next, tell MySQL to use the newly created database:

mysql> USE my_database;

Now, any operations you perform will be within my_database.

Importing the SQL File

Now comes the main part – importing your SQL file. Use the following command:

mysql> SOURCE /path/to/file.sql;

Replace /path/to/file.sql with the actual path to your SQL file. This command will execute all the SQL statements in your file, importing the data into your database.

Common Errors and Troubleshooting

Here are some common issues you might encounter:

File Not Found: Ensure the file path is correct.

Permission Denied: Check your user permissions.

Syntax Errors: Verify your SQL file for any syntax errors.

Verifying the Import

After the import process, it’s crucial to verify that the data has been imported correctly. You can do this by checking the tables and data:

mysql> SELECT * FROM your_table LIMIT 10;

Best Practices for Database Import

Backup First: Always back up your current database before importing new data.

Check Compatibility: Ensure your SQL file is compatible with your MySQL version.

Test on Local: Perform the import on a local or test server before applying it to production.


To want to import a MySQL database using the command line is important as it enables you to learn one way to increase efficiency to manage the databases. Thus, proceeding with the step-by-step data import process, to import data you will be able to import your data without any complications.


A1. Yes, it is possible to use GUI tools of phpMyAdmin or MySQL Workbench software for importing the converted databases.

A2. You can partition the SQL file into many parts or on the other hand extend the options of importing MySQL database.

A3. You can get the full path of your SQL file using your file explorer, and copy it from the address bar.

A4. Yes, depending on your Operating System, you can write scripts that would enable you to import these scriptures using shell scripting or even batch files.

A5. Look at the error message and identify if it was a small mistake and then continue the import process from where it left off.

By mastering these mysql command line import steps, you’ll be well-equipped to handle database imports with ease. Happy importing!

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